Thursday, February 13, 2014

God's Plan of Salvation: The G.P.S to Eternal Happiness Part 1: Where did I come from?

       Welcome back everyone! Today I'm going to share something that has brought me a lot of happiness and is something that is fully unique to the LDS faith. It's called the Plan of Salvation, or as I like to think of it: the G.P.S. The G.P.S is able to tackle such soul-burning questions such as: "Where did I come from? What is my purpose in life? Where will I go after this life?" That last one is something in particular that has always troubled me alot as I was growing up. I used to get quite depressed whenever I would think about death because I just wasn't sure what was waiting after this life; I wasn't sure if it was just the light switch gets turned off and we are done or if there was a heaven, or a hell, where I was going, and all of that.  I can promise that the G.P.S will bring you answers to the Big Three Questions and that it is of God. So lets take a look at the first one!

So the first big question, as I stated earlier, is Where Did I come from? Before we were born into this wonderful existence, we all got to exist with our Heavenly Father in the Spirit World. It was a time that was filled with love and with learning; we all got to learn from Heavenly Father, He knew all of us and talked to all of us frequently. While we were chilling in the Spirit World, and before this world was even created, Father came forth with a plan for us. You see, God had a body already and his was perfect and exalted while we had nothing, we were just a spirit. We wanted what God had, and we probably voiced our opinions frequently to Him, knowing that if we nagged him just enough then He would give in to our desires (That last part right there is Elder Barcala Doctrine; yup good ol' Elder Barcala Doctrine...) So, Father revealed to us this awesome Plan, the Plan of Salvation. The only thing is that He needed a Savior, someone to be sent to this world to atone for all of the sins that we would commit while we were here. Lucifer, he had not been cast out just yet, stepped forward and said:  Behold, here am I, send me, I will be thy son, and I will dredeem all mankind, that one soul shall not be lost, and surely eI will do it; wherefore fgive me thine honor.  (Moses 4:1). Then Christ stepped forward and said for Father to send Him instead and the honor will be the Father's.
      You must understand, that the big difference between Lucifer's idea and Father's idea was choice. According to the Plan of Salvation that the Father presented to all of us; we would have the CHOICE or the agency, to pick if we were going to follow our Savior and accept His teachings. Lucifer wanted to FORCE all of us to do his bidding, and he wanted to have the honor that was rightfully the Father's. So here we have these two plans presented to us, and Father lets us choose. All of the people who have lived, who are living, or who will ever live, choose to support Jesus Christ and the Father's plan. Lucifer was not pleased, so he threw a temper tantrum and lead away a third of the host of heaven! A third! He lead them into open rebellion and was defeated by the ArchAngel Michael and his host. Lucifer and his Third were cast down to the world, but they were not given bodies. They still all exist today and they are those evil spirits that cause bad thoughts to come into our mind; they try and tempt us to ruin our chance at salvation so that we will be miserable with them.
So, we have this big host of heaven now, and we are waiting to be born into our bodies for we were righteous and decided to follow Father's plan of salvation. So what now? We need to come here to get our bodies so that we can be further tested and prove to Father that we will always follow Him and our Savior. However, it would not be much of a test if we remembered being with Father and everything that we learned with him when we were born into this world.

We go through what is referred to as the Veil! Our memories are wiped clean and all we are left with is the Light of Christ. The Light of Christ is kind of like Jimminy Cricket; it's that voice that always lets us know if we are about to do something bad or cheers us on if we do something good (Assuming that we are actively listening to it, that is!)

I can attest that all of this is true! We got to live with Heavenly Father before we came to this world; we were able to celebrate with Him, we learned with Him; He prepared us best He could for what was about to come. I know that this is true; and I live you with this in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus the Christ, Amen.